IPFS vs MaidSafe

April 15, 2022

IPFS vs MaidSafe: A Storage Showdown

As technology advances, the need for secure and efficient data storage solutions grows. Blockchain technology has opened the door to decentralized storage, where data is hosted across a network of computers instead of in a centralized server. Two of the most popular options for decentralized storage are IPFS and MaidSafe.

What is IPFS?

InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol designed to create a peer-to-peer (P2P) method for storing and sharing hypermedia in a distributed file system. It uses a content-address method, which means that each file is given a unique hash code that identifies it. Users can then search for content or request access to files using the hash code.

What is MaidSafe?

MaidSafe (Massive Array of Internet Disks - Secure Access For Everyone) is a fully-decentralized and autonomous data network that provides secure and private data storage. It uses the network's idle computing power and storage to create a distributed network that can store and share data. MaidSafe also uses a content-addressing method, similar to IPFS, which allows users to search for content by its unique hash.


Both IPFS and MaidSafe have their pros and cons. Here's a comparison of some key features:

Feature IPFS MaidSafe
Decentralization Semi-decentralized Fully decentralized
Security Encrypted data transmission End-to-end encryption
Token Uses IPFS coin Uses SafeCoin
File addressing Content-based addressing Content-based addressing
Storage capacity Unlimited Unlimited
Network size >225,000 nodes >100,000 nodes
File availability Only available when the original node is online Available even if original node is offline

As seen in the table above, MaidSafe has some advantages over IPFS when it comes to decentralization, security, and file availability. MaidSafe is fully decentralized, which means that all data is stored and verified by the network, making it inherently more secure than IPFS. Additionally, MaidSafe uses end-to-end encryption to secure data transmission, which goes above and beyond IPFS's encrypted data transmission.

Furthermore, MaidSafe uses SafeCoin, which is a token that incentivizes users to contribute storage and computing resources to the network. IPFS uses a similar token, IPFS coin, which is used to pay for resources in the network.


In conclusion, both IPFS and MaidSafe have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to decentralized storage. Ultimately, it comes down to your specific needs and priorities. If you're looking for a fully decentralized, secure, and private data network, MaidSafe might be the better choice for you. However, if you're looking for a more simple and widely used solution, IPFS could be the way to go.


  1. IPFS homepage
  2. MaidSafe homepage

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